News and Announcements

COST: Ebook article collection volume about participatory research on child maltreatment field (open access)
Roth, M., Alfandari, R. and Crous, G. (ed.), Participatory Research on Child Maltreatment with Children and Adult Survivors, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley.

The ICH in the 11th Panhellenic Conference Ep’ Arogi – A public address about the Child Guarantee projec
Participation of the Department of Mental Health and Social Welfare Director mr George Nikolaidis and researchers-contributors ms Ioanna Mantziou, ms Georgia Panagopoulou and ms Maria Psarrakou in Ep’Arogi Conference.

There is no ‘consent’ in minors’ sexploitation – G. Nikolaidis’ interview in
The Department of Mental Health and Social Wellfare Director Dr George Nikolaidis talks to Mrs Elpida Koutsogianni (ERT)

Pandemic and lockdown impact on children’s mental health – A George Nikolaidis’ Interview in Greek to radio station Parapolitika 90.1 FM
A G. Nikolaidis’ interview about the impact the pandemic and lockdown measures had on children’s mental health in Parapolitika 901 radio.
Our Mission
Department of Mental Health and Social Welfare
The Department of Mental Health & Social Welfare operates as a Centre for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect. Key priority for us is protecting all policies for children who are subjected to violent behaviour in their family environment and with emphasis on primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
See all the newsletters of the Department.
Institute of Child Health
The Institute of Child Health provides specialized prevention and public health work, while developing research and educational activity in the field of child health.
Our Projects

A network of child abuse experts and related stakeholders divided into working groups. September 2020 - October 2024

UNICEF & ΙΥΠ - Ministry of Labour's Women's Network of Shelters Pogrammatic Review
Review on the shelters Network of the Hellenic General Secretariat for Demographic and Family Policy and Gender Equality. April 2021 - November 2021

ICH - Child Guarantee
Intervention in five institutions. Strengthening all social services of the municipalities of Attica. Mapping with the participation of 10 institutions nationwide. March 2021 - December 2022
Our Publications

COST: Ebook article collection volume about participatory research on child maltreatment field (open access)
Roth, M., Alfandari, R. and Crous, G. (ed.), Participatory Research on Child Maltreatment with Children and Adult Survivors, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley.

“Programmatic review of services available and accessible to children in the shelters of the Network of the General Secretariat for Demographic and Family Policy and Gender Equality”
Α programmatic review of services available and accessible to children in the shelters of the Network of the Hellenic General Secretariat for Demographic and Family Policy and Gender Equality.
SESN Guide-Screening Tool
Guide-Screening Tool for identification of minor victims of trafficking (in Greek)
BECAN – Epidemiological Studies and Data
Epidemiological Surveys, Deliverables and Material of BECAN Project: Becan Epidemiological Survey on Child Abuse And Neglect (CAN) in Greece, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, both in national languages and English Epidemiological Survey on Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) in 9 Balkan Countries Training Manual & Guidelines for Researchers for […]