The ICH in the 11th Panhellenic Conference Ep’ Arogi – A public address about the Child Guarantee projec

The Department of Mental Health and Social Welfare of the Institute of Child Health had participated officially in the 11th Panhellenic Conference of Social Care Units ‘Ep’Arogi’ (31st October-1st November 2022) titled Care Dimensions, Institutions & Persons (in Greek) and organised by the Region of Crete Social Welfare Center in the Center for Mediterranean Architecture, Chania, Crete.
The ‘Ep’Arogi’ Conference is under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Labour and Social Affaires and is addressing to every Social Care Unit in Greece, political and governmental institutions, universities, researchers from the scientific and academic areas of health and welfare, as well as to active members of the civil society.
Our Department of Mental Health and Social Welfare, through the participation of the Director George Nikolaidis and our researchers-contributors ms Ioanna Mantziou, ms Georgia Panagopoulou and ms Maria Psarrakou, gave a thorough report about the UNICEF-ICH-EU Project “Child Guarantee” and its pilot actions about the deinstitutionalization inside the child protection system in Greece.