CAN-MDS II: From Planning to Practice

Started on Nov 2019 and was completed on Nov 2019
Action “CAN-MDS II” Coordinated Response to Child Abuse and Neglect via a Minimum Data Set: from planning to practice
Child abuse and neglect (CAN) case-based data across the EU are derived from a variety of intersectoral sources and follow up of victims at local & national level is not sufficiently coordinated among the involved services.
The main barriers for effective CAN monitoring are the lack of common operational definitions, registering practices and the use of a variety of methods & tools for data collection & sharing among stakeholders.
At international level, given that existing surveillance mechanisms vary considerably in coverage and completeness, comparisons are not feasible.
The concept of the Action “CAN-MDS II” [GA Nr: 810508 -CAN-MDS II- Funded by EU REC Programme 2014-2020] is based mainly on the Daphne III project “Coordinated Response to Child Abuse and Neglect via a Minimum Data Set” [JUST/2012/DAP/AG/3250] aimed at creating the scientific basis, tools & synergies for establishing national CAN monitoring systems using a minimum data set (MDS), where the CAN-MDS System was developed. CAN-MDS System aims to provide comprehensive, reliable and comparable case-based information at national level for children who have used protection services (social, health, educational, etc. depending on countries’ specifics) also facilitating CAN monitoring at EU.
The ultimate aim of CAN-MDS II Action is to provide the transition from planning to practice.